Dr. Philipp Herzog

Clinical Psychologist

Dissemination & Implementation


Wie Mythen der traumafokussierten Psychotherapie eine adäquate Versorgung erschweren: Ein Plädoyer zur Implementierung evidenzbasierter Verfahren in Deutschland 

[How myths of trauma-focused psychotherapy prevent adequate care: A plea for the implementation of evidence-based practices in Germany]
DBT Adherence Checklist for Individual Therapy (DBT AC-I)

The DBT Adherence Checklist for Individual Therapy (DBT AC-I; Harned, Schmidt, & Korslund, 2021) is a pragmatic measure of adherence to DBT that enables users to evaluate the degree to which individual therapy sessions are consistent with DBT. Dr. Eva Fassbinder and I developed the official German translation of the DBT AC-I („Checkliste zur Überprüfung der Adhärenz in der Dialektisch-Behavioralen Therapie – Einzeltherapie"). Researchers and clinicians can freely access and use the German version of the DBT AC-I here: 
